That’s right! We are on a Roadshow across Silicon Valley to showcase our solutions and capabilities. Book now to get a chance to have a 1-1 conversation with our CEO. Hear directly from him how Rebaca is helping companies like Cisco and Ericsson rediscover the future of DevOps & Test Automation, Video Delivery & Consumption and Orchestration & VNF.
In the past year, Rebaca has showcased MWC’17 in Barcelona, presented at the OPNFV Summit in Beijing & recently wrapped up a joint demo with Ixia at SDN NFV World Congress in Hague.
This October the Rebaca team will be traveling to the US west coast to talk about our services and solutions. Express your interest to hear about how we are building solutions like ABot and the impact it can have on your business.
Here is our schedule:
October 16th – 17th 2017 – San Jose
October 18th 2017 – Oakland
October 19th – 23rd 2017 – Sunnyvale
If you can join us during this time, we’d love to meet you!
Rebaca is coming to your doorstep with a selection of technology offerings. Schedule a meeting with us now and have a discussion with our CEO, Samir Chatterjee, on how Rebaca can best suit your needs.
Fill out the form below if you are interested and our sales representative will get back to you within 24 hours or sooner.
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