Real-time traffic management is necessary to make our roads safer for both self-driven cars and cars without any assistance. V2X Technologies encompasses vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-pedestrians, vehicle-to-infrastructure, vehicle-to-traffic signal and vehicle-to-smart grid communications. Each type of V2X communication is associated with a specific latency, data rate and quality of service. Tabular information is provided related to location, device, and QoS, which helps in the selection of Radio Access Technology.
ABot reduces the gap between the lab environment and actual field scenarios.
Integrating these different technologies and their associated protocols in a multi-vendor ecosystem poses a challenge. Testing On-board-Units (OBU) and Road-side-Units (RSU) under different service level scenarios and stress-bearing scenarios require a robust test tool. The test tool should be capable of testing V2X reference points like V1 (V2X App Server and UEs), V2 (V2X App Server and Enabler), V3 (V2X provisioning using OMA-DM), V4 (Gets subscription information from HSS using Diameter protocol) and V6 (Control Function and Application Server).
ABot simulated V2X Control Function and LTE/NBIoT Core helps in the validation of OBUs and RSUs. ABot tests the DUT in a virtual environment and ensures that the DUT is behaving as expected for collision warning, emergency messages and adverse situations like bad weather warnings, etc. ABot Analytics module identifies the root cause failure in a multivendor echo system like Real-Time Traffic Management.